Friday, June 3, 2011

Life Takes On New Meaning

Life takes on new meaning when we get sober. As we begin to work the Steps we are able to really take a good look at ourselves. Some of us may not recognize what we see. While we were using, most of the time we wore a mask. We put on an act, we were everything we thought we should be. We were not our true selves.

After getting sober, we see at our very core that we are good, although we probably never really thought so when we were in our active addiction. We slowly begin to build ourselves up. We start seeing positive characteristics, some we never even knew were there. Thus life takes on new meaning in the sense that we can actually use the good in ourselves to do good and do anything we can imagine with these new discoveries within. This is one of the great gifts of the programs of A.A./N.A. and the Steps. It has allowed us to open our eyes to who we are and re-routes our life on the road to new and exciting things.

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